Fight My Way Does He Do Taekwondo Again

After xvi hours of watching "Fight My Way" and wondering if both couples would end upwardly together, if they would achieve their dreams, if the characters would finally figure out who the landlady is when viewers figured it out in the first flashback with her, the wait is over. "Fight My Way" has ended, and as the cast prepares to enjoy a vacation together to celebrate their achievements with the drama, I'thou left feeling unsatisfied and mournful. Pardon my morbid metaphor, but rather than file dramas away, I dig them a little hole in the "Grand-drama graveyard" where the bully ones get a sunny, greenish spot with frequent flowers, and the disappointing ones cease up in the back with the mud. "Fight My Style" may not stop up in gross mud, merely I certainly won't be putting flowers by its spot.

Now, let's break this review downward.

The primary couples

The drama is centered around two main couples. Couple 1: Joo Man and Seol Hee. Couple 2: Dong Man and Ae Ra. During the first couple of episodes, my feelings towards the main couples were best described by the following picture.

In the beginning of "Fight My Manner," Seol Hee/Joo Man are a couple of six years who are hiding their relationship in their work place. Joo Man obviously has some issues with Seol Hee'southward tendency to become out of her mode for others (which commonly results in people taking advantage of her), while Seol Hee is the seemingly weak, "skilful" girl whose world revolves around her swain. They're a cute couple, but things become rough when a pretty intern starts making the moves on Joo Man and he becomes frustrated with how Seol Hee lets people take reward of her. Ae Ra/Dong Man are pretty much the opposite. Childhood friends who know everything almost each other, Ae Ra can send one text that she wants Dong Man to consume tiffin with her and he goes running while she continues making sacrifices for her long-term fellow (who's cheating on her). Meanwhile, Dong Human being is just waking upwards to the idea that his feelings for Ae Ra might be more than only platonic.

Basically, one human relationship has peaked while the other two characters are nigh to hitting rock-bottom with only the other to hold onto and see where things go from in that location.

Several months later, my paradigm of the two couples was like the next picture.

This next paragraph has some major spoilers, so if you oasis't seen the show, I recommend skipping it.

Both couples ending up together at the end did not make me whatsoever happier than I would exist sad if they stayed cleaved upward. Joo Man cheats on Seol Hee, and it magically just takes Seol Hee two months of breaking out on her own and finally finding something she is passionate about likewise her boyfriend to take him dorsum. Ae Ra leaves a bad job and decides to finally chase her dream of being an journalist, but when Dong Homo tries to exercise the same, she protests and even tells him to choose betwixt her and his dream. She expects him to support her, just never does the same for him; granted, she did get to his first match, but so she proceeded to cry and mutter instead of congratulating him. This girl spent her entire babyhood as the "neighborhood dominate," but can't handle her young man risking injury in a competitive sport? It only gets worse — not only does Dong Human being tell her he's choosing her, he goes behind her back and continues preparation, later on (later he gets defenseless) saying he was going to tell her after the wedding. Killer way to start a matrimony…

No. Only… no.

Chasing dreams

The ups-and-downs of couple-hood is not the just theme of this drama. Some other major theme, the second half of the meaning of "Fight My Way," involves chasing dreams. Seol Hee, Ae Ra, and Dong Man not only grew up together, but as well put their dreams aside for various reasons. Seol Hee and Joo Human take all the same to get married even though Seol Hee could desire nothing less. Ae Ra spent years supporting her boyfriend while he studied for the civil-service test instead of chasing afterward her dream of being an journalist. Dong Man was a competitive athlete before giving upward his dream subsequently an incident during loftier school that got him barred from competing in Taekwondo. I'g still not certain what Joo Man's dream was… rather, I remember his element was more than "deciding what he wants out of life."

Then they all hitting stone-bottom.

After their lives begin unraveling, they do what every drama graphic symbol does in that situation: re-evaluate their lives and become later those dreams they pushed aside! This means finally getting to see Dong Man stand up up for himself and join up with his old bus (one of my favorite characters!). Ae Ra takes on the entertainment world with her tough-girl, pulls-no-punches attitude. Seol Hee finally starts taking intendance of herself and thinking beyond her relationship, and Joo Human being finally starts to appreciate the things he took for granted and decides to fight for his relationship. In other words, all four begin to "fight for their fashion."

I enjoyed this procedure equally much as I enjoyed watching Ae Ra and Dong Man get-go emphasizing the "love" part of their "love-hate" human relationship. I specially love how the testify approaches the idea that information technology's never too late to become afterwards your dream; Dong Man hasn't trained in 10 years and Ae Ra has historic period and lack of experience stacked confronting her.

This entire procedure gave me two of my favorite non-couple quotes in "Fight My Fashion":

ane. When Ae Ra is asked in an interview what she was doing instead of studying-abroad or interning and she answers realistically and honestly, "I was working." You go, Ae Ra!

2. Towards the end when the drama fast-forrard ii months, information technology's said that Seol Hee found her ain path "without a makeover or a prince." The seemingly weakest character was the 1 who had her world completely autumn apart and the one establish an entirely new dream.

I was really satisfied with this portion of the drama.


I feature of "Fight My Way" that I really enjoyed was the use of flashbacks. Rather than two episodes of back-story, these moments were interspersed throughout the drama and strategically placed to connect plot-lines and current elements. When Dong Man'southward ex-girlfriend shows up, they didn't simply have a voice explicate why she was a problem-person, they showed it through flashbacks.

There were also flashbacks of the characters in high school, when nosotros first learn about Ae Ra'southward dream and Dong Man'southward past every bit an athlete. These scenes were a lot of fun and explained a few elements in several episodes.

Too making appearances throughout the drama were the younger versions of Ae Ra, Dong Homo, and Seol Hee, played by Jo Yeon Ho, Lee Han Seo, and Kim Ha Eun. Many of these scenes were amusing, specially the ones with little Ae Ra (I'm definitely a fan of this young extra).

The flashbacks really added to the story and character evolution, and I idea they were used very appropriately. I actually wish more dramas used flashbacks in this style.

The side characters

While I could spend a long fourth dimension complaining nearly the ending of the drama and certain story-elements that occurred in the character relationships, I have few complaints nearly the characters themselves. The main characters were very strong, and the side-characters were likewise interesting and helped the story move forward. In that location is really an extensive supporting cast that appears in all aspects of the principal characters' lives, from piece of work to family. Though I find at least one or 2 of these characters completely unnecessary in sure dramas, I didn't get that feeling at all during "Fight My Way."

This is partially thanks to the casting. The parents, Lee Elijah as Dong Homo's ex-girlfriend and Ae Ra's rival, Kim Kun Woo as his rival, Choi Woo Shik every bit the nerd-turned-jerk, and Kim Sung Oh equally Dong Human's coach and friend… pretty much all the side-characters were neat, many of them experiencing their ain growth during the drama.

Final thoughts

I enjoyed watching this drama correct up until the concluding 3 episodes. A small confession though, I misread the episode count and thought it was xx episodes, right up until I was told this was the last week. This definitely contributed to my disappointment in the ending; that terminal episode felt way too rushed. There was barely annihilation that left me satisfied except that Seol Hee's plum sauce concern was working well and Dong Man's ex-girlfriend finally moved on with her life.

This probably isn't a drama I would lookout man again, simply it is one I would recommend to a friend who had a gratis Sabbatum and wanted to lookout man a drama in one go. Despite my thwarting in the ending and how both couples could've called it quits in the last 30 seconds and I would've only shrugged, it was overall a adept drama. The whole bandage was great and the story progression during the first… xiii or and then episodes really kept me intrigued. Ae Ra and Dong Human had decent chemistry, plus their love-hate human relationship was a lot of fun to lookout man and was a good counter to the more serious relationship between Seol Hee and Joo Man.

Why couldn't this drama have been ii or four more than episodes? I retrieve they could've done information technology more justice had there been more fourth dimension to develop the ending.

What are your thoughts? What did you bask most and least about this drama, and why would y'all recommend information technology to your friends to watch? Allow us know in the comments beneath!

"Fight My Way" airs every Monday and Tuesday. Watch the latest episode at Viki!Watch

heytotocurrently teaches ELL in Seoul, Due south Korea and tin can unremarkably exist found sipping a latte and fuming over the way some dramas cease as well soon.


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