Chapter 21 Fossils and the Rock Record Reviewing Vocabulary

Review Quiz

  1. Plate tectonics formed the Atlantic Ocean over the grade of 180 million years. How does this span of time compare with the entire span of geologic fourth dimension on Earth?

      a. Information technology is about 4/100ths of the span of geologic time on Earth.
      b. It is well-nigh 30,000 times the span of geologic time on Globe.
      c. It is about ane millionth of the span of geologic time on Globe.
      d. Information technology is impossible to compare to the entire span of geologic time on Earth because geologic time is infinite.
  2. Which gene is a claiming to geologists in establishing the boundaries of the geologic fourth dimension scale?

      a. Some radiometric dating techniques are becoming more precise.
      b. Most rocks do not contain minerals that can be dated using radiometric dating.
      c. The rates at which past geologic events have occurred has varied through Earth's history.
      d. The exponential decay of radioactive atoms means scientists are running out of fourth dimension to obtain radiometric data.
  3. Which do geologists primarily utilise to determine the absolute ages of boundaries on the geologic time scale?

      a. Correlation methods
      b. Cross-cutting methods
      c. Law of superposition
      d. Radiometric dating
  4. When using radiometric dating to decide the absolute age of a rock, which quantities does a geologist compare in a sample?

      a. The half-lives of various isotopes
      b. The numbers of radioactive isotopes
      c. The concentrations of dissimilar minerals
      d. The amounts of daughter and parent isotopes
  5. A geologist analyzes the amount of potassium-40 in a rock and determines that 25 percent of the original potassium-forty is however present. Bold no potassium-40 has been lost to any process other than radioactive decay, what is the approximate accented age of the rock?

      a. 750 million years
      b. 312 million years
      c. 2.v billion years
      d. 5 billion years
  6. The one-half-life of a radioactive isotope in a fossil is defined as:

      a. One-half of the accented historic period of a fossil
      b. The ratio of the girl isotope to the parent isotope in the fossil
      c. The number of times the isotope undergoes radioactive decay in the fossil
      d. The time it takes for half of the parent isotope to decay into a daughter isotope in the fossil
  7. Carbon-12 and carbon-14 are both plant in living organisms. What is the deviation between carbon-xiv and carbon-12?

      a. Carbon-14 has a greater atomic number.
      b. Carbon-xiv has two more protons in its nucleus.
      c. Carbon-xiv has two more neutrons in its nucleus.
      d. Carbon-14 has 2 more electrons surrounding its nucleus.
  8. The boundaries between various periods on the geologic time scale are based primarily on:

      a. Error planes
      b. Radiometric dating
      c. Nonconformities and disconformities
      d. Emergence or extinction of organisms preserved in the fossil tape
  9. What property of index fossils makes them so useful for subdividing geologic time?

      a. They are short-lived.
      b. They are radioactive.
      c. They are exceptionally old.
      d. They are present in both young and old layers of rock.
  10. What features of rock strata would be nearly useful for a geologist to analyze in order to correlate rock layers in ii different locations?

      a. Fossils
      b. Inclusions
      c. Angular unconformities
      d. Cross-cutting relationships
  11. How does the principle of faunal succession allow geologists to correlate stone strata in different geographic locations?

      a. Information technology states that layers of rock strata at different locations tin can be correlated co-ordinate to the unique set of fossils they incorporate.
      b. It states that fossils inside rock strata are mostly homogeneous, suggesting that rock strata throughout a region should reveal similar sets of fossils.
      c. It states that the fossils in rock strata are older than the rock layers, allowing geologists to link younger and older layers across a region.
      d. It states that the evolution of fossils in one region should correlate with the evolution of fossils through dissimilar rock strata in some other region.
  12. An igneous rock intrudes into three tilted layers of sedimentary rock. Which gear up of relative dating methods is nigh useful to make up one's mind the chronological lodge of formation of the rocks?

      a. Police force of superposition, cantankerous-cutting relationships, and law of original horizontality
      b. Constabulary of original horizontality, rule of original lateral continuity, and rule of inclusions
      c. Rule of inclusions, police of superposition, and cross-cutting relationships
      d. Law of original horizontality, rule of inclusions, and police force of superposition
  13. The photograph shows a sedimentary layer overlying metamorphic rocks. How is the boundary betwixt the 2 formations best described? (Photo Source: Margaret W. Carruthers.)

      a. A fault aeroplane
      b. A bedding airplane
      c. A disconformity
      d. A nonconformity
  14. A geologist examines a layer of sedimentary rock strata that contains pebbles of granite. From this, the geologist could infer that:

      a. An older layer of granite is below the sedimentary rock
      b. An older layer of granite is to a higher place the sedimentary rock
      c. A younger layer of granite is below the sedimentary stone
      d. A younger layer of granite is above the sedimentary rock
  15. Which would by and large Non exist involved in determining the relative age of rock strata?

      a. Unconformities
      b. Radioactive decay
      c. Rule of superposition
      d. Cross-cutting relationships
  16. Which shows the correct guild, from oldest to youngest, of the relative ages of the formations shown?

      a. A, B, C, D
      b. D, B, C, A
      c. A, C, B, D
      d. D, C, B, A
  17. How does the principle of uniformitarianism differ from earlier views of the geologic processes that have shaped Globe?

      a. It claims that the structures on Earth are gradually becoming more than uniform in shape and composition.
      b. Information technology proposes that just gradual, slowly occurring, natural processes can significantly affect the structures on Globe.
      c. It suggests that the processes currently shaping the Earth are the same processes that shaped Earth throughout its history.
      d. It asserts that the processes shaping Earth have slowed to a more gradual pace compared with earlier catastrophic events that occurred more than often in Earth'south by.
  18. "The present is the key to the past" best summarizes which principle in the history of geologic time?

      a. Plutonism
      b. Gradualism
      c. Catastrophism
      d. Uniformitarianism
  19. The principle of catastrophism is Non supported by which ascertainment?

      a. Sudden floods can carve wide, deep valleys in a very curt time.
      b. A volcanic eruption can grade a mountain over the course of a few days.
      c. A rock from space can crash into Earth's surface, forming a giant hole.
      d. A continent can migrate from one side of the earth to the other over millions of years.
  20. The accented historic period of a rock is the:

      a. Length of time over which the rock formed
      b. Menstruation of geologic fourth dimension in which the rock formed
      c. Corporeality of time that has passed since the stone formed
      d. Age of the stone relative to older and younger rocks around information technology
  21. A geologist determines the chronological order in which layers of rock were deposited in a canyon. How is this different from determining the absolute historic period of the rocks?

      a. The order of rock layers was not examined.
      b. The exact age in years of each rock layer was not calculated.
      c. The fossils contained in successive rock layers were non compared.
      d. The rock layers could not exist classified in terms of period on the geologic time scale.


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